Update on: 2024/06/24

Build with Agent

This Agent brand book is your compass, guiding creators, community members, and stakeholders alike to align seamlessly with Agent’s dynamic personality. It's not just a set of guidelines; it's a blueprint ensuring our brand's essence resonates consistently across every region and platform.

As stewards of the Agent marks, we entrust you with the privilege of using them to amplify our shared vision. Your commitment to upholding these standards not only strengthens our brand but also fosters a community built on trust and collaboration.

Let's innovate, inspire, and empower—because with Agent, the possibilities are limitless.

Agent Logo

How to use Agent Logo


Make sure to maintain sufficient space around the logo to preserve its visibility. The designated clear space is indicated with a blue highlight.

Logo Mark


agent_clear space.png

Horizontal Logo


H-symbol Lockup_clear space.png

H-icon Lockup_clear space.png

Vertical Logo


V-symbol Lockup_clear space.png

V-icon Lockup_clear space.png